I have yet to meet one person who doesn’t love dogs. They are cute, innocent, and loyal, and there’s a reason they’re called “man’s best friend.”
Here are 5 interesting facts about dogs that you probably didn’t know:

1. Dogs have three eyelids.
The third eyelid protects the eye and keeps it lubricated.

2. Dogs have dreams too!
Just like us, dogs have the same type of SWS (slow wave sleep) and REM (rapid eye movement), and the latter allows them to dream. If your pet is twitching or groaning during sleep, they are probably dreaming.

3. Dogs can see in the dark.
Dogs can see in the dark because of a membrane called the tapetum lucidum. Although their night vision capabilities are pretty good, they aren’t as good as their feline friends (or counterparts).

4. Dogs have over 1,700 taste buds.
Comprared to us human’s 10,000 taste buds, dogs enjoy tasty treats and food too!

5. Newborn puppies are born blind and deaf.
When a puppy is born, it’s not only toothless but blind and deaf as well. Touch is the first sense a dog develops.
Stay tuned for more interesting pet facts from Got Poo…!